Learn All About the Best Home Remedies for Colic to Treat & Manage the Condition of Your Baby

Colic problems, also known as baby colic, is a condition in young babies where they cry due to some internal discomfort. It usually manifests in form of excessive and constant crying in a baby who is well-fed and healthy in all other ways. The condition shows in babies who are three to six weeks old. It can stay up to four months and is a real source of frustration for parents. It has been seen that up to 40% of infants experience baby colic signs and symptoms. It is more common in babies who are breastfeeding or have just started to be fed with a formula.

If you are a first-time parent and trying to understand baby colic signs, you have to focus on your baby’s mood. They become cranky and start crying easily, especially after their meals. This should be an indicator that your baby might have colic and you have to find ways to fix it.

What are the most helpful home remedies for colic?

If you notice clear colic symptoms in your baby, you have to act quick. While it is not a major problem and resolves with age, it is a great discomfort for your baby. And you as a parent have to resolve this. Luckily, there are a number of colic remedies for breastfeeding babies that you can do at home. Let us discuss these remedies at length.

1. Carry your baby around

Many paediatricians suggest that one of the best baby colic remedies is to carry the baby around. After feeding or anytime they are awake, a baby responds very well when they are being carried around for longer periods of time. This helps with their digestion and can reduce the colic condition.

2. Lay them on the tummy

Colic and crying are two simultaneous signs of a baby being in discomfort. The first thing to do when your baby is crying more than usual – is to roll your baby over on their tummy. This has been proven to help in better digestion and circulation of the baby. It is a great way to avoid colic when your baby is around three to four weeks old.

3. Hold them upright

If you are trying to avoid colic in babies, the best thing you can do is to hold them upright after they have been fed. This helps to avoid gastroesophageal reflux, which may be a leading cause of colic as well as gastric diseases later in the baby’s life. Holding them upright also helps avoid acid reflux which can make babies irritated.

4. Massage with an oil

A good massage once or twice a day helps in the overall circulation of a baby. This means they will be able to digest their food well and there will be lesser chances of colic in them. Make sure you use essential oil or a medicated oil with recommendations from your paediatrician. It helps to avoid a skin rash in a very young baby.

5. Regulate the room temperature

Sometimes when there is a drastic change in temperature around a baby, it can induce colic in them. To avoid this, make sure your baby is at a temperature that keeps them comfortable. It helps them indigestion as well as fall asleep fast which helps to avoid any bouts of colic.

6. Try using a swing

Keeping a baby in some kind of movement has been proven to be a colic treatment. Usually, babies with colic conditions need soothing more than anything else. Try using a swing or movable crib to keep a baby in motion when they are sleeping or after feeding them. Using a mechanical swing that has remote-controlled movements can be a piece of good equipment to have. You can set a certain speed and motion that keeps the baby calm.

It is okay to be worried about your baby’s condition. But you should know that colic is temporary and can be easily resolved without any kind of medication. In case you notice something going wrong, always consult your paediatrician and take the next step. This will keep both you and your baby healthy.

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